Six Sentence Sunday #28

Happy Six Sunday. Thanks for visiting this week and I’d love to know what you think!! I have another 6 from my latest Novella BDSM WIP. It’s a sequel to the WIP I have been sharing these past many weeks. Last Week: while in Chicago for a conference, Janna gets a chance to enter a BDSM club for the first time. As a guest, she is not allowed to enter the club without an escort. Last week, Master Simon asked Janna for her name and surprise, she gave it up 😉 This Week: As we predicted, Simon has agreed to escort Janna into the club. We start with her following him to the main room.

The landing at the top of the stairs revealed a bulky set of wooden double doors. Simon stood waiting for her like a ticket to the lands of all things erotic. Her pulsed kicked into high gear and a cold sweat tickled between her breasts. He opened the door and held it for her.

“Welcome to Club Voyage, Jenna.”

The smells hit her first, leather, sweat, and sex.

Will she run, or will she dive into the fantasy she’s only read about? Thank you so much for stopping by today!! I’d like to know what you really think of my 6. I need the advice, I’m a newbie and have much to learn. Don’t forget to check out the other Six Sunday authors. Lots of good stuff at Six Sunday and its days are now sadly numbered. I’m not crying. Try to find a new favorite today. happy hunting!

27 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday #28

  1. Pingback: Links of the week #31 « S. J. Maylee

  2. Pingback: Six Sentence Sunday #29 – see Janna melt in want « S. J. Maylee

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