Flash Fiction #24 – The coffee job

Thanks for stopping. Another picture…another 100 words.

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“I’m not going out with you, so stop asking. And give me back my coffee.”

“Why not? I’m a good looking charming guy with a good job. Let me at least feed you.”

“Cause that’s what every woman wants, to be fed?”

“I can think of a few other things women want.” He peered across the stolen coffee cup to her cleavage.

“You’re a shit, Tim.” She couldn’t help but to laugh with the guy. “It took your dirty mind six-seconds.”

“Nothing of the sort, my mind’s been in the gutter since you bent over to fetch the coffee grinder.”

Hope you enjoyed my flash today!! Don’t forget to follow the link to get to the other FFF posts. Flasher Fiction Friday. Or click away on the links below.

Angelica Dawson: http://angelicadawson.blogspot.com
Gemma Parkes: http://gemmaparkes.blogspot.com/
Naomi Shaw: www.authornaomishaw.com
Benjamin Russell: http://incubuschronicles.blogspot.com/

7 thoughts on “Flash Fiction #24 – The coffee job

  1. She’s nicer than me… I would not be smiling so sweetly at a man who just stole my teeny, tiny cup of espresso right off my saucer. If it was first thing in the morning he may even be picking up his teeth!

  2. I like Tim, no muss, no fuss, no bull shit – straight to the point. I bet that scene happens in offices all around the country every single day. By the way, I don’t think his mind is in the gutter, he did say he’d feed her, he could have said he’d eat her. Now that would have been in the gutter. Well done SJ.

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