Six Sentence Sunday #25

Happy Six Sunday. Thanks for visiting and I’d love to know what you think!! I’m continuing this week with another 6 from my Novella BDSM WIP. Last week: Jake & Lydia arrived in her apartment after a long day of working together for the first time. Of course they spent much of the day fantasizing about each other. Jake has tested Lydia all afternoon and keeps finding her wanting. In last week’s 6 he made a decision to act on his desire, his desire to dominate her. This week: Lydia is still across the room, her back to him. She’s just turned on the light. We start with his order.

The low growl from deep within pushed out his words. “Remove your clothes.”

Silence filled the void in the room. Nothing moved except for the nerves running through him filled with rocket fuel, which catapulted his desire.

“Don’t turn around. Remove your clothes, place your hands on the couch, and your legs… separate them.”

There you have it, his order. I think he’s made it clear what he wants. But what will Lydia do? Just because an order mirrors your fantasy doesn’t mean you’ll do it.

Thank you so much for stopping by today!! I’d like to know what you really think of my 6. I need the advice, I’m a newbie and have much to learn. Don’t forget to check out the other Six Sunday authors. Lots of good stuff at Six Sunday and its days are now sadly numbered. I’m not crying. Try to find a new favorite today. happy hunting!

23 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday #25

  1. Very intense six, S.J. I’m betting she’ll play along, but of course, her refusing to do so gives you a good opportunity to escalate the tension and sweeten the payoff later…hmm…. 🙂

  2. Therein lies the problem–where fantasy meets reality, they either merge or repel. Something tells me she’s game for allowing them to do the former. Very hot six!

  3. Pingback: Links of the week #27 « S. J. Maylee

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