Happy Birthday Evernight Publishing! It’s a Birthday Bash Blog Hop

Celebrate like a ROCK STAR because Evernight Publishing is THREE!

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In three short years, Evernight has grown by leaps and bounds thanks to readers like you! Evernight is pulling out all the stops and throwing an extreme BIRTHDAY BASH BLOG HOP in your honor!

That’s right! It’s Evernight’s birthday but YOU get the presents…

Prizes include:

Samsung Galaxy Tab

Kindle Paperwhite

Kobo Touch

$100 Evernight and Amazon Gift Certificates

Mega Evernight Swag Pack

Plus, each author on the hop will offer his/her own special prize!

As an author, I’m thrilled to share my stories with you and Evernight helped to make my debut, TAKING CHANCES shine! Here’s why I love Evernight Publishing:

The experience from the start has been quite rewarding. The warm welcome started right away. The authors at this publishing home of mine are incredible. They’re a silly bunch and very helpful. You have a question, someone will have an answer.

I was so nervous to work with my editor. Goofy me. She was awesome, so supportive, and I’m incredibly proud of the final touches she helped me make. I can’t wait to work with her again. I mentioned her in my dedication too. 

Next stop was the cover art. Sour Cherry Designs is amazing. Right of the bat they gave me the cover I’d dreamed of. I love it.

Soon, I was ready for release day. I’ve been having such a good time. The fun and support just keeps going and going. I can not wait to do it all over again with Evernight Publishing.

It’s an incredible honor to be published through Evernight Publishing. They Rock!

For my part in this rock star party:

I’m giving away one $10 Evernight Gift Card

>>> a Rafflecopter giveaway <<<

TAKING CHANCES cover - click to see at Evernight Publishing5 Star Review: “Taking Chances, is a must read for anyone who wants a great story, well written, smoking hot smexy scenes and an oh so hot hero.”

5 Star Review: ”Taking Chances is SJ Maylee’s debut novel and she does an excellent job of creating interesting characters searching for connection while providing enough kink and spice to heat things up.”

5 Star Review: “it’s well written, there’s no slw moments and it’s packed full of hot sexual tension”


Lydia’s father walked away from her when she was eight. She’s struggled to not let him affect her, but fears she wasn’t loveable enough to make him stay. Jake wants to love one woman, but after scaring the last woman he met outside of the club, he doubts he has the right. She protects her heart by sticking with her fantasies, and he lives by a set of rules that excludes women who choose a vanilla lifestyle.

The two will be kept in a conference room working together until their special project is complete. If Lydia and Jake hold tight to their bland lives, they’ll always yearn for love that is out of reach. But together they can find common ground, passion, and a reason to take chances. Once they discover the grand possibilities of the love they desire, they find themselves in the very place they tried never to be again, facing unguaranteed love.


“Come on in, Lydia. I want to talk about a few things before we get started today. We need to make it quick, since we need to report to Keller at ten this morning.” When she remained in her spot he added, “Lydia, come here.”

Not wanting Gina to take anything further from her, she lifted her head and walked to Jake. She stopped at his desk, but felt instantly unworthy. Gina was more Jake’s style. She fought the need to lower her chin.

“Look at me, Lydia.”

He pushed her. “Why?” She shifted her gaze and hit him with her direct stare.

“Thank you. I needed to see your eyes.” He reached out and swiped a lock of hair from her face. He tucked the strand behind her ear, and let his finger drag down her face to her shoulder. All the while his gaze captured hers, not letting go. “How are you this morning?”

“I’m okay.”

“Okay? Hmm, maybe I should do something to improve your mood? What would you say to that?”

“Here?” she gasped and quickly turned to look out the door.

He grabbed hold of her shoulders, lifting her slightly off the floor.

“Yes, here.” He brought their bodies together, claimed her lips and swept his tongue through her mouth, awakening her sexual hunger.

She felt wanted. She felt claimed. Images from the night before swam in her mind. Silly challenges from the office mean girl were all forgotten. He set her down and nipped at her lower lip.

“We have a lot to do today. Unfortunately we cannot go any further, now.” He stepped back behind his desk as casually as if he’d just greeted the mail man.

“But you would want to?” Still looking at the papers on his desk, she didn’t think he heard her. She took a step closer. “You would repeat last night?”

Her words stopped him. His gaze searched her face. Placing his hands on the desk he leaned forward and said, “Lydia, I fully intend to further explore your body and mind. After all, there are a few places I haven’t yet completely inspected.”

Her mind ran through what he had done to her last night, and there was only one place she could think of. Warmth fluttered through her face.

“Now, that is a beautiful sight.” He returned to his papers. “I’m going to have to keep thinking of ways to shock you simply to see you blush again.” With the papers properly sorted, his attention returned to her. “Is Gina a problem?”

Gina was a lot of things, but she’d never thought of her as a problem. “I don’t think so.”

“Don’t be afraid to put her in her place. She likes that more than she lets on. She’s the type to push so she can be pushed back.”

“I hadn’t thought of her that way. Interesting.”

“Let me know if she becomes a problem.” His gaze drilled into hers, not letting her escape.


“Okay?” His posture remained controlled, but the smirk couldn’t be missed.

She added her own version of the devilish grin, which ignited another blush before she even spoke. “Okay, Sir.”

“Trouble.” He stalked towards her and ruthlessly swept his hand under the hem of her skirt to press firmly along her panties. His lips pressed to her ear. “Hot and damp.”

The palm of his hand pressed on her clit, and he bent his knuckles, sending the tips of his fingers past the edge of her panties to drag along her slit.

“Be careful what you say to me, sweetheart, or you’ll shatter my control.” With one last drag of his fingers, he pulled away and walked from the room.

She turned around and watched him go. Her heart pounded. All she could do was follow him, but she couldn’t move. The exchange with Jake left her bones unsettled, and the all too familiar ache tried to set-up shop in her chest. She hadn’t expected him to crave more from her, and now she couldn’t deny he did. Was she going to deny herself the pleasure of getting to know him?


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Enter to win the EVERNIGHT PUBLISHING Grand Prizes using this Rafflecopter:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

It’s the perfect time to buy the Evernight titles on your TBR list, as well as new gems you find during the event, because Evernight’s entire backlist is on sale at evernightpublishing.com through October 14th!

Don’t forget to visit my rafflecopter for your chance to win

a $10 Evernight Gift Card.

Please consider following me and keep in touch.

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Keep the party going there’s 100 stops in this rock star hop.

Have a great time!

105 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Evernight Publishing! It’s a Birthday Bash Blog Hop

  1. Thank you for the excellent excerpt! I have added it to my must read list because I have got to know what happens with Jake and Lydia!

    As for a recent accomplishment or decision that I’m proud of, I’d probably joining in on this hope and deciding that I am going to buy this book! Also, I am quite proud of the fact that I finally learned how to work the DVR after a very long time of just looking at the controller as if it were a foreign alien object!

    Thank you again for the chance to enter the giveaway and I hope everyone has a brilliant day!

    Shelly H

  2. Oh My! This was one hot excerpt! *fanning self* Another for my TBR list! So much to read, so little time! Thank you for sharing. I will forward to reading this. pansyparsons(at)hotmail(dot)com

  3. I love reading bits from different authors books. As for an accomplishment I am proud of… I am a 10 year lung cancer survivor! I am very proud of myself for all I have gone thru & didn’t give up! My outlook on life is… for everyday I wake up, is yet another beautiful day!

  4. My health has declined to the point I have been forced to quit everything I loved – except reading. Depression ensued as my sense of self worth plummeted. What worth was I now? I had worked so hard to be a self-sufficient career woman. All for nothing. Now I review the books I read. It’s my way of contributing something. michelle_willms@yahoo.com

    • That’s a lot to deal with. ((hugs)) Good for you for finding a way through. I love how a good book can help me to escape. I hope you find lots of good books along the hop. Thank you for stopping by, Michelle.

  5. Getting involved in my sons PTA… I get to help make things happen for the children at the school that wouldn’t exist otherwise…


  6. I love that each day I decide what I should do and when (given certain requirements). I also work by myself on another floor so I can choose to visit the rest of the staff when and if I want.

  7. I love my job because I interact with so many different people every day. The books look great. Thank you for the giveaway.

  8. Oooh, Taking Chances looks really interesting!! Glad you’ve had a good experience with Evernight, and thanks for the giveaway!!

    I love being able to teach students something new. 🙂

  9. I’m proud of the fact that I have finally been able to let go of some serious guilt I was carrying around for something that really wasn’t my fault in any way, shape or form.
    Holy wow what an excerpt!! That book is totally going on my TBR!!!
    Thanks for joining in on the hop!! Happy Birthday Evernight Publishing!!
    Ashley A

  10. Pingback: Cover Reveal: Bared by Stacey Kennedy | S.J. Maylee

  11. I most proud of trying to write a novel even though I seem to get to a certain spot and have problems I am determined to finish the three novels I have going. I will not give up even if it never gets published.

    • You go, Jody!! Writing is hard. Finishing is really hard. I’ve had problems with getting my endings just right. The best advice I can give is to step away, work on something else, and, when your writing palate is refreshed, try again. Good luck and you’ve got the perfect attitude. Keep moving forward. Thanks for stopping. 🙂

  12. Thanks for a great blog tour and giveaway! I have liked Evernight Publishing’s facebook page!
    krista_janelle 2 (AT) yahoo DOT com

  13. Pingback: Flash Fiction #48 Sunday in the Park | S.J. Maylee

  14. I’m glad I went to my Son’s IEP meeting ready to fight the good fight (he’s floundering in 1st grade) and man it was easy b/c they pretty much agreed with everything and are going to add testing to his tests this year for our worries of ADD and Dislexia! Man I was ready for battle painted my toes and nails and wore my power jeans and a dress shirt with cute sandals. And then it was easy peasy! LOL
    Thanks for the amazing giveaway and Happy Birthday Evernight!

  15. Name a recent decision or accomplishment you’re proud of OR describe something you love about your job.

    My daughters… The one is in honor guards, another who has a learning disability is finally on track with her reading goals, have been trying for years using a variety of different methods finally something clicked and she is enjoying reading like her sisters and I.
    Hmm… In the Page… is one thing that was a decision I decided to make…with the support of my husband who is encouraging me…

  16. Pingback: Weekend Writing Warriors – Wicked Temptation | S.J. Maylee

  17. I feel like any time I help someone out, I just feel so good about it. I always think those times are my proudest accomplishments.

    Thanks for sharing with us!

  18. Pingback: Inside Look with Bethany-Kris author of A Mile High | S.J. Maylee

  19. Pingback: Inside Look with Eve Meridian author of Sam’s Learning Curve | S.J. Maylee

  20. Love this excerpt and love this book cover so much going to go buy it now. My accomplishment would be my children watching them grow into young adults and achieving their goals makes me one proud mama!

  21. Pingback: Flash Fiction #49 A Clean Start | S.J. Maylee

  22. I work with special education students and there are many things I love about my job. Making a difference in at least one child’s life is the best part of my job. This year we have 43 out of 200 students and each day is a new day that brings new challenges. We never get bored with our kids!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  23. Pingback: ROW80 Round 4 2013 Goals | S.J. Maylee

  24. Pingback: Weekend Writing Warriors – Endless Possibilities | S.J. Maylee

  25. Happy Birthday Evernight!


    I think my most recent accomplishment is teaching my son how to write his own name. He’s only 4, but I’ve been having a lot of problems with it, because he’s leaning towards being left handed, and it just seemed really weird for me to try to teach him since I’m right handed. It’s so cute to see him concentrate on it though!!

  26. Pingback: Inside Look with Donina Lynn author of Arms of Serenity | S.J. Maylee

  27. Loved the excerpt! 😉
    As far as accomplishments that I am proud of, I am proud of my children and the little, young men that they are becoming. I see the manners that I instilled in them at work daily.
    Thank you for sharing and for the wonderful giveaway!
    trb0917 at gmail dot com

  28. My accomplishment has come to fruiting yet, but I’ve made a big decision to cut down my spending as to pay off of some credit card debts, I’ve given myself a year to do so…
    Happy birthday to Evernight, been a following since the beginning and just love it’s awesome authors!

      • You caught your own edit. Love it. Being your own editor can certainly make you smile sometimes. 🙂

        Good for you, Eva. That’s a huge step. Stick with it and you’ll be very happy with the results. Good luck. Agreed, Evernight has amazing authors. They’re a lot of fun too.

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